How To Turn Tragedy to Triumph

How To Turn Tragedy to Triumph

This is my third blog and I’m just now realizing that I failed to introduce myself. My name is Katrina Lloyd, Founder of Falsetto The Label. The story of my small business exhibits tragedy to triumph.

When tragedy hits one’s life, the first thing that comes to mind is usually not being triumphant. With tragedy comes grief, feeling lost, numb, lonely and a host of other emotions that can arise. My experience was no different. I loss my sister Sherrie Campbell on September 22, 2017 as she was brutally murdered by her boyfriend. The date is burned into my memory forever. I remember first learning of the news of her passing like it was yesterday. The instant feeling I had was that I could not catch my breath and was completely in disbelief. I was in pure shock. She was only 35. So very young and so much more life to live.

The next day, I went to work. I could not sit at home and think about the reality of what happened. I needed to do something normal. My everyday routine. Blocked it out like it didn’t exist. One month went by and I still could not talk about the tragedy of losing Sherrie. My husband then suggested I go and see a therapist. So, I did. For 1 year, therapy was a place where I was expected to share how I felt, why I couldn’t speak, learn and heal from grieving.

After healing came the triumph. I didn’t want anyone to go through domestic violence and for the families to grieve their loss. I vowed to contribute to ending domestic violence. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, on average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men.

Music was an ongoing theme throughout my life. Songs, melodies surrounded the home my sister and I grew up in. It was the core of our being. Fashion was always my passion. I just love the idea of pairing a simple t-shirt with an endless number of bottom options from jeans to a skirt to shorts. The possibilities are endless. Fashion is my form of self expression. To pay homage to Sherrrie and I sisterly bond, I created “Falsetto The Label.” Fashion and music in a beautiful harmony. Falsetto The Label is not just about selling clothes and accessories, it’s a true social enterprise by donating 20% of sales to domestic violence charities. From tragedy to triumph achieved.

I encourage you or someone you know to turn your tragedy into a triumph. Here are some tips to help you through your journey:

  1. Pray. You’ll start seeing a theme with my blogs. God is always first. He loves us so much and hears us when we pray. 
  2. You are not alone. Don’t suffer alone in your grief journey. Seek help through a therapist. Check with your employer to see if there are free options for therapy.
  3. Journal. Write down how you are feeling. Sometimes words out loud can be difficult but the body can, at times, better communicate through writing.
  4. Do something that relaxes you like exercise, dancing, singing and reading. Whatever suits you that is safe and good for your body.
  5. Join a group. There are many grief groups that can help talk and work through your journey.


I hope you found this blog helpful. Be empowered, you are loved by God and a beautiful creation. Until next time, take care of yourself and others.



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